Booking Fee | MichalAngelo


Booking Fee

You must pay a booking fee prior to schedule my work. You can pay also directly by credit card, so you needn't PayPal account, it is just via PayPal gateway, which provide for you security policy of refunds or claims for payments.

Your pay statement will simply display "PAYPAL *MA SERVICES 121212121212 GBR" and nothing more (this is whole discreet).

The booking fee is a portion of your total charge (usually £20 for standard bookings). Therefore, if you see that a 2 hour work costs £100, you pay online this £20 booking fee and then pay your £80 in cash on arrival.

The payment of a booking fee is important to me, because it guarantees that you are serious about your booking. I do not accept any booking without payment of this fee. Also you recive your unique authorisation to protected area in this website.